I've had Kimberly Hahn's Legacy of Love: Biblical Wisdom for Parenting Teens and Young Adults
I don't quite have a teen in my home yet. I'm eighteen months away from having a teenager (Eeek!) so I figured now was as good a time as ever to read this book to get a jump on what lies ahead. In this book Kimberly Hahn, drawing on biblical wisdom, tells you how to create a culture within your family that will nurture your teen through young adult child. Let's face it, parenting isn't for the faint of heart, and Kimberly tackles the incredible task of raising teens and young adults and steering them along the right path.
This book takes you beyond the years during which your children live at home. I know of people who take the stance that once their child is legally an adult at 18 that their job of parenting is complete. I don't think that's the case and neither does Kimberly Hahn. In fact, earlier this week I heard a homily at a daily Mass where Father said that those parents/grandparents who wash their hands of parenting their adult children by not speaking up when they see them go awry, are nothing short of cowards. I whole-heartedly agree!
So what are you going to find in this book? Well, there's loads of sage advice for raising teens and setting clear boundaries. Teens/young adults and dating typically go hand in hand and you'll find plenty of advice for encouraging healthy dating and courtship. I loved that the advice on dating meshes so well with the groundwork we're already laying with our girls that the purpose of dating is to find your spouse and not to let someone use you.
As I read deeper into this book I remarked to my husband that this book should be required reading for mother-in-laws to be. There is so much in this book that is relevant to the mother of a married child. I love the author's advice on bringing your child's spouse into your heart as one of your own. Just imagine how wonderful life would be if all women were as welcoming to their sons and daughters-in-law as she describes. Her perspective on the addition of sons and daughters-in-law is one that many would do well to consider. Interestingly what she had to say echoes very closely what our pastor had once told me about how whether or not they realize it or choose to acknowledge it, when a son or daughter gets married his or her spouse is in fact a member of the family. Honestly, for the chapter that addresses "The Mother-in-law dance" alone this book is well worth reading. I will personally ensure that a copy of this book will find it's way into the hands of any mother who will one day call any one of my daughter's her daughter-in-law.
There's another chapter that has wonderful advice for mentoring young mothers whether it your own daughter or in-law as well as advice on grandparenting. Again, a wonderful chapter with great advice for parenting through this season of life. It all goes to show that the job of mothering doesn't end once your child becomes an adult.
Overall I found the book to be packed with amazing advice that will take you from parenting your teen through young adult.
I was provided with a review copy of this book
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