1. Stock up on essential foods. This is pretty much the same mentality as stocking up before a big snow storm. Since there's the possibility of losing power, it's a good idea to make sure you have some non-perishable foods on hand to last you several day.
3. Candles are good to have on hand, too. Make sure you have something to light them. If you're using candles don't leave them unattended. You don't want to accidentally start a fire.
4. If you have well water that uses an electric pump stock up on water in the event that you have a prolonged power outage. Someone I know learned this lesson the hard way.
5. Turn the temperature setting to a colder level on your freezer and fridge and pack your freezer with ice. This will help keep your food cold in the event of a power outage.
6. Fill up empty juice and milk bottles with water and freeze them. This will give you big blocks of ice to fill in any open spaces you have in the freezer. It can also be used as drinking water [provided you cleaned the containers first] if the need arise. You can also take plastic sandwich bags and fill them with water and freeze them, too. We stuffed bags of water all over in our freezer so that our perishables will have a greater chance of being saved in the event that we lose power.
7. Ensure that anything you have in your yard that might go flying is secured. You don't want your trampoline to become a kite or your patio table to go flying through your sliding glass door.
8. Make sure you keep your cell phones, laptops and things of that nature fully charged as the storm approaches.
9. Heed warnings to evacuate if officials for your area tell you to do so. It's far better to leave home for a few days and find out after the fact that you didn't really need to go than to stay behind and possibly wind up in a situation that threatens your life.
10. Have a first aid kit on hand.

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