Tuesday, May 17, 2011

In One Week...

In just one week, I may know the gender of the baby who I currently call Ignatius or Polycarp Ignatius (Piggy for short).  Bryan is dead set against the name Ignatius.  He's such a killjoy.

The closet is filling up with toys, diapers, clothes for both genders, and various baby items.  I'm beginning to feel like a kid eagerly awaiting Christmas morning.  The thing is I'm nervous.  With Madeline we weren't able to find out the gender because the cord was perfectly placed between her legs.  It was one of the most frustrating moments.  Nothing we did could get her to move in such a way that the cord would go somewhere else.  Ellie was much more cooperative.  She was quite the show off for every ultrasound we had.  I'm praying that this baby will also be a show off.  This ultrasound next Monday is likely the only peek we will have of the baby before he or she is born.

So while I'm super excited about the ultrasound, I'm also very nervous that the baby isn't going to cooperate.  He or she needs to keep the cord out of the way or I'll spend the next twenty weeks going insane.


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