Wednesday, May 11, 2011

I'm 33 Today!

As you can probably deduce from reading the title, today is my birthday.  Yay for me!  A good friend of mine posted this clip from a favorite Disney movie, so I decided to share it here.  It's not really Isma's birthday in the clip, but how she looks is pretty much how I feel today.  I'm not bothered that I'm getting older, but I'm certainly worn out and am ready for it to be May 12th.  It's been a long day, but a memorable one nonetheless.  

The day might have been a little more enjoyable if I hadn't decided to eat copious amounts of raw chocolate chip cookie dough last night.  And yes, I know I shouldn't be eating it and I know I really shouldn't be eating things with raw eggs while I'm pregnant.  Rest assured, I really learned my lesson between the hours of 12:20AM and 7:30AM today.  Today was clearly not a day of intestinal fortitude.

My parents visited today and we did some shopping for baby clothes at Kohls and then we had pizza and cakes.  Yes, I said cakes.  Today is my dad's birthday, too.  I'd say Dad's birthday was off to a much better start than mine.  He didn't eat raw cookie dough last night.  Smart man!

We still don't know the gender of the baby, we hope to find out on May 23rd, but it appears that my mom and dad are guessing boy.  I now have loads of cute boy clothes handing in the baby's closet.  We did pick up a few girl outfits and the cutest five pack of Carter's onesies.  Bryan thinks we're having another girl and he was shocked when he saw the huge pile of boy clothes my mom and dad brought for us.  The good news is they brought them at Kohls and we can return them with no problems if we find out we're having a girl.  Whatever the ultrasound says we will still make sure we have a week's worth of outfits for the opposite sex just in case they're wrong.


  1. There's always yellow and green, the best unisex colors! Happiest of Birthdays to you!

  2. HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY Lovely Friend!!!!!


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