Capturing the context of contentment in everyday life.
The outfit may be questionable, but there's no doubting that Madeline is growing up to be quite a pretty young lady.
I love Ellie's expression in this picture.
I just love the pictures I get of this girl on her changing table.
Katie was belly laughing as she experienced her first go on the swing set.
They don't look too happy today, but I'm sure as soon as the sun comes out our first daffodils of the spring will look quite happy. I didn't expect to see these sunny little flowers so soon.
Goofy baby playing with her feet on her silly daddy's lap.
Can she be any happier as she laughs at us? I told Bryan if I take one more picture of Katie on this changing pad I'm going to throw it away. I'm sick of the ugly blue changing pad making its way into most of my pictures. Maybe I need to make a pretty changing pad.
Babies don't necessarily like it when you take them out on a bright sunny day to take pictures. Madeline and Ellie give me the same look when I take pictures of them with the sun in their eyes. Maybe some day I'll learn to have better timing with these types of things. Taking pictures outside at noon was probably not my brightest idea, then again, maybe that's the problem, it was too bright. Forgive my feeble attempt at being punny.
Four and a half years ago a two year old Ellie helped me plant about forty flower bulbs around a tree on our lawn that had to be knocked down to make way for the heavy machinery when we put in a pool nearly four years ago. The flowers only bloomed under the tree for one spring. Each year since we find some random flowers that sprout up. This year it looks like we have crocuses and tulips.

Thanks for joining! Your girls are so sweet!