Capturing the context of contentment in every day life...
This past Sunday was my last religious education class of the school year. One of the sweet little boys in my class gave me these pretty flowers. The lilly just bloomed today.
On Monday Ellie came home from school with this adorable picture she drew for me of the Blessed Mother. I think it goes without saying that Ellie doesn't check her faith at the door when she enters the public school.
I've been a bit busy this week with organizing things around the house and working on things for vacation bible school. I was pleasantly surprised to see that my african violet had really blossomed. Look at all of those happy little flowers.
This little one makes me laugh when she tries to scoot herself around on the kitchen floor.
Sometimes I think Katie is tired of seeing that big black thing in front of Mommy's face and so she decides that she'll just make funny faces at the camera instead of smiling.
Katie finally showed me that she can roll over from her back to her belly.
My kitchen is a real mess. Bryan and I got some of it cleaned after I took this picture. I will have to take care of the rest of it in the morning once the girls are off to school. This is what happens on days where we have an after school activity followed by a band concert for school. Aren't the daisies on my kitchen table pretty? Another sweet boy from my kindergarten class gave them to me on Sunday.

The Mary drawing is so awesome! Thank you for posting a picture of your messy kitchen. Makes me feel better and it means you are REAL too... I will be coming back to read more. God Bless!