Capturing the context of contentment in everyday life.
Ellie pulled out a Raggedy Ann wig that I made ages ago when she was around the same age as Katie is now. She recalled me mentioning to Bryan that sometimes when the light hits Katie's hair just right it looks like it might be growing in red. So she wanted to see how she'd look with Ronald McDonald red hair. Then she decided it would be funny if she put the wig on and accessorized it with her headband. Katie wasn't feeling the wig, but Miss Personality was loving it!
She actually plays with toys! It makes me so happy to see my baby playing with toys. Madeline for some reason never grasped the concept of playing. Ellie knows how to play but wasn't all that interested in baby toys as a baby. Bryan and I are just amazed that we have a baby who likes to play with baby toys. I've had this Pooh set since I was in high school [it was cute and I had to have it]. It's been in the nursery for each of our girls and Katie is the first to ever show any interest in it.
This is the toothpaste from the girls' bathroom. I don't brush my teeth in there and neither does Bryan. Katie doesn't have teeth and isn't mobile so she has no contact with anything in that bathroom. Neither Madeline or Ellie have any knowledge as to how this happened. Funny isn't it? This is what life is like when you are raising the future patron saints of "I didn't do it" and lack of attention to detail. (Ellie and Madeline respectively) I suppose this will just go down as yet another household mystery. Something tells me they both have something to do with this.
Bryan tried to take a picture of me and Katie, but someone kept turning her head so we couldn't both be in the picture. When I uploaded the pictures I see that she was sticking out her tongue. She's a little nudge sometimes!
Madeline made cupcakes all by herself this past Sunday to celebrate a name day for her two little sisters. Let me tell you I wouldn't willingly put things in the oven and take them out until I was in my twenties. When you don't tell you child the story of Hansel and Gretel you get a child who isn't deathly afraid of the oven. Pretty soon I may be able to resume avoiding the hot, scary oven!

My oldest didn't "get" toys either. It wasn't until the second started playing with them that he got a little into it.
ReplyDeleteI love your {real} photos :) Most certainly a nudge. And how sweet to make cupcakes. Such a brave mama you are!
LOL! We have the same toothpaste here. My kids must be competing with yours for the patron saint
ReplyDeletestatus. And cheers to your daughter for the cupcakes!
love the sleepy baby on the shoulder! :)