Our week started off with a bang, or maybe a bump. I had asked Bryan to put a car seat that was part of a travel system
I recently reviewed up in the attic. So while I was taking care of laundry down in the basement he decided to go upstairs with the ladder and put the car seat in the attic. We're not sure what happened, but somehow the cars eat slipped and hit him right on the top of his head. I wanted to take him to an ER or urgent care clinic to get checked out but he refused. I did get him to agree to me waking him every two hours during the night like I had to do with Ellie several weeks ago. He ended up with a lump on his head. On Wednesday night he finally admitted that he probably should have gone to a doctor. He went and saw a doctor yesterday and was diagnosed as having a moderate concussion.
VBS registration is done. I'm so excited that we were able to market it well enough to have the program at full enrollment more than six weeks before the registration deadline. The registrations I received in the mail yesterday put us over 100. This gives me plenty of time to make name tags and class rosters.
Tomorrow is Madeline's last regular season soccer game. Next weekend is Ellie's last game. After that we just have two tournaments in June. I'm looking forward to having unscheduled weekends for a few months. I've been wanting to take the kids to the zoo and get some boardwalk pizza for over a month now. It's possible that we'll be able to do that either this Sunday or next Saturday.
Bryan came home from the doctor's office with a living will to fill out. Of course, he has no interest/intent of doing so. He told me he wasn't dying and not to worry about it. After reading through it I felt sick to my stomach. I'm not sure what I would select for myself after looking at the advance medical directive.
I'm going to be 35 tomorrow. I feel like I'm on the threshold of old. Am I really that old now? My parents and my brother are coming up for lunch tomorrow. It's my Dad's birthday tomorrow, too. It's going to be a busy day. After lunch we have Madeline's soccer game and then we have to rush to get her to the 5:30 Mass since she has to altar serve. I'm looking forward to a relaxing Mother's Day where we can do anything we want.
I talked to Ellie's speech therapy teacher yesterday about my concerns that the public school will fail to provide her with speech therapy like they did last year. She's assured me that they won't be able to ignore her services plan. Apparently the public school will have 30 days to turn the services plan into an IEP. I feel better about the switch back to the public school for next year. My biggest worry was that the school would ignore my requests to have her evaluated by their speech therapy department.
We opened the pool this past Sunday. It's way too cold to swim in it, but it's open and almost clean. I feel so much better about letting Katie run around in the yard now that the mesh fence is around the pool area. She kept running over to the pool when the cover was on it. Now we can spend more time in the yard and I don't have to worry that she's going to try and run on the cover.
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