Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Baby on a Budget Guest Blogging

Today I'm guest blogging over at Catholic Newlywed about hand-me-downs for her Baby on a Budget series.
Eleven years ago I was pregnant with my first child.  Taken in by the aura of new baby products, I simply had to have everything new for our new baby.  I had been offered hand-me-downs of almost all the essential baby gear [bassinet, crib, swing, baby bedding, infant car seat, electric breast pump] by my cousin, but I was stubborn and wanted new items.  It didn't help that my mom and several other relatives also weighed in that I should have new baby items for my first baby.  I won't say that I wasn't happy to have all new baby gear and clothing for our first child, but financially it was a big mistake.
 Visit her blog to read the rest.

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