Thursday, May 10, 2012

An ATC Swap for Mary

Kimberlee at Pondered in My Heart is once again graciously hosting another Marian ATC swap.  We missed out on both ATC swaps she hosted last year between me being pregnant and then subsequently having a newborn in the house.  Ellie was really disappointed that we didn't get to join in last year.

Over the past week or so Ellie has been running around with a little note pad sketching her ideas for a Mary card swap, and asking me several times a day if the family that hosted it before would be doing so again.  She's going to be one happy girl when she gets home from school today and finds out she can start designing her cards!

These little cards are only 2x3 inches so they're not intimidating pieces of artwork.  I'm no great artist by any stretch of the imagination, but I still manage to come up with five cards that look like they were drawn by a five year old.  What can I say, I have to work with what I've got.

Why not draw a few little cards to honor our Blessed Mother and join in on all the fun.  Not only do my girls love to get cards in the mail, they also like to see if they can find their artwork on other blogs and see who drew the cards they receive.  It's a lot of fun.  

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