Monday, August 22, 2011

Book Review: Write (Or Is That "Right"?) Every Time

I'm a total sucker for grammar rules.  I blame the grammar teacher I had for 6th, 7th, and 8th grade.  She was tough and absolutely determined to make sure her students didn't get out of her class without knowing how to spell the word grammar ("Use two A's if you want to get an A in grammar.") and use grammar properly in their speech and writing.  I'm sure plenty of kids zoned out and didn't succumb to her powerful reprogramming, but I can still hear her in the back of my head as I write.  What I learned in the three years I had her has stuck with me and I am now bound and determined to make sure my children are also well versed in the art of grammar.

Recently I was provided an opportunity to review a book geared to help students and really anyone who uses the English language to write properly.  The book is called Write (Or Is That "Right"?) Every Time-Cool Way to Improve your English.  According to the product page on the target audience for this book is children between the ages of nine to twelve. After reading this book  I can tell you I believe it's a great resource for grade four and beyond.  The book takes a light-hearted approach at explaining various grammar rules.  It essentially fills in the cavernous gaps that are found in many schools today.  As I read through this book I was not only amused by the author's turn of phrase, but I also found the illustrations to be rather humorous.  Because of this, I believe this is a book that will grab the attention of younger students in the fourth to eighth grade range.  While this book will certainly appeal to these younger students, there is still a wealth of information to be found in this book which will prove incredibly useful for high school and even college students.

My oldest daughter is about to enter fifth grade and I pointed out a few of the topics in this book and asked her if she understood them after reading the author's explanation.  She not only found the explanations funny, but she also came away with a good understanding of things such as the importance of comma placement.

I suspect that this book will be referenced many times over the coming years as my children learn to write properly.  Whether you home educate or send your children to a traditional school, this book is certainly a fun and informative reference to have on hand.

This handy grammar book, which is published by Reader's Digest,  is available in an attractive hard back.  The hard back version retails for $9.99 which I think is a very reasonable price given the sound grammatical direction it offers.

I was provided with a complimentary review copy of this book by FSB Media in exchange for my honest review.  You can learn more about this book and take a peek inside by visiting the product page on Amazon's website.

Later this week I'll be hosting a giveaway of this title sponsored by FSB Media.

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