Wednesday, July 13, 2011

{pretty, happy, funny, real}

round button chicken

Madeline posing in front of the VBS beach scene on the first day.

Ellie is now six years old.

She was so excited that her sister gave her a Princess Peach DS case for her birthday that she practically squeezed the life out of Madeline.

How funny is the sad crab on this VBS craft?  As soon as I saw this I had to have a picture of it.

Is this not the strangest floral arrangement you've ever seen?  Apparently my mother-in-law thinks this is an appropriate birthday present for a six year old.  Personally, I find the arrangement a little sickening.  We recently had a falling out with her because she mistakes buying gifts with being involved in our children's lives.  This latest gift just shows that she clearly doesn't get it.  Ellie would have rather had a visit from her Gammie and nothing else than a flower arrangement stuffed with dollar bills.

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