Thursday, March 10, 2011

It's Obviously One of Those Days

Sigh.  Today is just one of those things where things simply aren't going my way.  

I went to Target today to buy the food items that we've run out of and while I was there I forgot what it was that I "NEEDED" for me.  I got the bagels for Madeline's lunch and the Cheerios that the girls needed, but it wasn't until my craving for pizza Combos kicked in that I remembered what I forgot.  Ordinarily, I'd just go back to the store and get what I need, but it's pouring here and I'm not going out in the rain.  I'll just have to deal.

Then I set to work getting organized for my class tonight.  Two weeks ago I put in a copy order for my class and forgot that Lent was approaching.  I remedied this by lumping some of what I needed into my Kindergarten copy order the following Sunday.  I didn't think to count the copies and make sure I had 30 of the Catholic Icing Lent calendar til this morning.  Much to my dismay, I found that I have 12 copies of the calendar.  I need 16 for the third grade class alone.  To top it off, this was my only Lent printable for the third graders.  Since it's pouring, I'm not going to the parish office to get additional copies.  I'll have to see what I can can do at home.

I gave up Facebook for Lent.  Really, I can live without it.  What I didn't give up was my main AOL email account.  Sadly, AOL decided around 3PM yesterday that I was going to fast from that, too.  Bryan called last night and found that my email address goes to a server that is having issues, but that it would be up and running soon.  Fast forward to now and my email is still down.  I'm beyond cranky about this.  I want access to my email.

In an effort to straighten the main level of the house I started putting things back where they belong.  On a trip downstairs I discovered that the basement is a total atrocity.  Yay!  Then I went upstairs to put several stray toys in Ellie's room only to find that her room must have been hit by a tornado or something of that nature.  I know a couple little girls who will be cleaning this evening.

On the bright side, the laundry is moving along one load at a time.  It's possible that I may have everything washed before the end of the day.  I suspect tomorrow will be filled with me folding until my fingers fall off.

So I'm tired, things aren't going my way, the house is a mess and Madeline's friend is sleeping over in two days.  I need a cleaning crew to come over and make my house shine.  Any takers?

1 comment:

  1. I would but I'm waiting on the roofer, two of our skylights have decided to spring a leak this morning.

    Hope the day gets better.
