Monday, November 22, 2010

Putting my thoughts where I can see them

Sometimes I have so much to do that I just feel like I'm spinning and subsequently can't get anything done. Today is one such day.  I have what feels like an incredibly jam packed week ahead of me.

Ellie finally went back to school today.  Yay!  She was out for the entire week last week so I'm very happy to see her go to school today.  Her going to school meant that I was presented with a several hour stretch to get some things accomplished around the house.

Since she's been gone, I have visited the Acme for sour cream and green apples (totally unrelated food purchases, in case you are wondering), cleaned the stove top and kitchen sink, begun to seriously thaw the turkey that is being cooked tomorrow, moved the turkey for Thanksgiving to the fridge, cleaned hand-me-down mini fridge and confirmed that it does, in fact, work, gathered up the recycles, sorted the laundry and raked some of the leaves in the back yard.  It is just a little after noon and already I'm exhausted.  Madeline has half days at school all this week so I have just 70 minutes until I need to pick her up at school.

I feel like I have far more to do than I have time to do it.  If I pick something up to put it away, I walk past several other jobs that need to be done.  Sometimes I stay on task and focus on the job I'm doing and other times I take a stab at doing some or all of the other job.  It's days like this when I wish I volunteered a little less.

Tomorrow is Ellie's Thanksgiving show at school.  Once that is finished, her class will have a small feast with the parents and we will go home.   At home, Bryan needs to prepare a turkey for Madeline's class feast that will be held on Wednesday.  I will need to take care of a few things regarding that feast and will have to send a reminder email to all the parents who are contributing food to the feast (I'm room mom, so I'm responsible for this feast.).

Wednesday will see me running Madeline's class feast and ensuring that everything runs smoothly.  Then there's Thanksgiving day preparations to worry about.  I have to get the house in order, wash the china which has been sitting in the china closets since Christmas, and make a pumpkin cheesecake.

Once Thursday gets here, I have little that I need to do.  I will try to get to Mass in the morning and after that I will spend the day staying out of the way while Bryan prepares dinner.  I'll make the side dishes and make sure the table is set but the turkey is entirely his deal.  Bryan and I will also celebrate our anniversary this Thanksgiving.  It's hard to believe ten years have already passed.

So my mind is spinning as I try to tackle what feels like a thousand things at once.  I see stacks of books that I want to read or need to review that I just don't have time for at the moment.  There are Christmas cards I want to slap mailing labels and stamps on, but I don't have the time to gather the new addresses of those who have moved in the past year.  I have gifts that I want wrapped and checked off my to do list for Christmas.  In short, I'm trying to cram way too much into a short period of time that is already totally scheduled.

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