Wednesday, October 13, 2010

What a week!

I can't believe almost an entire week has past by since I last posted anything here.  I've been so busy with so many things.

On Friday our pool was closed.  I haven't been in it since the last week in August, but I felt sad to see the pool closed for the winter.  I am however happy that I no longer have to worry about Bryan setting off the pool alarm that we have on our sliding glass door.  I won't be listening to the ear piercing alarm again until May.  I guess that's something to celebrate.

This past weekend was Madeline's soccer tournament.  Her team wound up being the only recreational team in the tourney and the girls who are all U-9 with the exception of one player were put in the U-10 bracket against travel teams.  We were a bit concerned that the girls would be totally outclassed but they actually did pretty well holding their own against the travel teams.  Out of three games we only won one of them, but they managed to score goals in each game.  Madeline scored a goal against a travel team from our soccer club, and she was goalie for a nice chunk of time during the game that our team won.  During that game she made a lot of awesome saves.  It amazes me that such a small kid can protect such a huge net.

On Monday the girls and I went to Stone Harbor for some dental fun.  We were all scheduled to have our teeth cleaned.  I was partly dreading the visit because Ellie hasn't reacted well to going to the dentist ever since she had her frenulum snipped at the pediatrician's office to eliminate her tongue tie issue.  Much to my shock she happily hopped in the chair and allowed them to clean her teeth.  Everyone in the office was amazed at the total change of heart on her part.  The best part of the whole visit was finding out there are no cavities.  Yay!  I hope I can continue on my streak of not developing any new cavities.

I even took the girls to the beach on Monday to take pictures for our Christmas card.  The outing didn't go well.  The girls weren't too happy to be wearing sweaters and jeans on an 80 degree day.  The picture outing went bad when Ellie sat on a sticker bush with big stickers that went though her jeans and stuck her.  She was not a happy camper and for a little while we were under the impression that she had part of the sticker stuck in her tush.  Poor kid is never going to sit on the beach again without looking first.

Tuesday was my crazy day of trying to get the house in order after having a busy extended weekend.  I got the laundry under control and cleaned a lot of the house.  I managed to do most of that before my parents came to visit for the afternoon.  I don't know where that awesome burst of energy came from but it was great while it lasted.

Today my parents came to visit again and we went up to my Uncle's house to go through his belongings.  Before you think I'm odd and rummaging through other people's things, I should clarify that this is the uncle who passed away in July.  My dad is handling his estate and asked me if I could help him move some things out of his house.  Going to his house was kind of like going on a scavenger hunt.  I got to rummage through a lot of debris (and I'm being kind with my description) and find some tools and books that could be of use to us.  I'm now the happy owner of a hatchet (which I don't intend to bury--I'm so punny today), a rake, a mini fridge, four hammers and a bunch of other stuff.

I'm continually amazed at how quickly time passes these days.  It's so hard to believe that October is nearly at the midway point.

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