Wednesday, September 8, 2010

School Days

The past two days have been the first day of school for my girls.  Madeline started fourth grade on Tuesday and today Ellie began Kindergarten.  So far, both are really happy with their schools.  Ever since first grade, I have worried about what kind of experience Madeline will have at school.  So far, the new teacher loves her.  It's really a great feeling when you get an email from the teacher telling you what a sweetheart your child is.  I had sent an email earlier today asking if I could send in soft pretzels for the class to celebrate Madeline's birthday this Friday and I was delighted to get an email response telling me how much she liked my daughter.  I hope this means we're on the path to a great school year.  Madeline is really happy with the new teacher, too.
Getting ready to head to 4th Grade
That's her "Mom, you're embarrassing me at school!" look.

Ellie walked into her Kindergarten class like she owns the place.  She was thrilled to see some of her friends from preschool and delighted that she was finally able to play with the cool toys I used to have to drag her away from when she was a toddler.
Kindergarten here she comes!
Ellie and I waiting to go into the school.

When we pulled up to Ellie's school this morning I freaked out.  Not because I'm sad that my baby is going to full day kindergarten, but because I suddenly realized that we didn't have a summer show and tell for Ellie.  The letter from the teacher told us to bring a show and tell item as a getting to know you type of thing and I failed miserably.  I have a track record of forgetting school related things for Ellie (I did take extra precautions to not forget stuff for her last year).  I have an even longer standing record of forgetting show and tell items for Kindergarten.  I think her teacher is used to me forgetting show and tell since I did it consistently for Madeline when she was in her class.  This morning saw me frantically running home to get some summer show and tell items for Ellie.  I'm going to try extra hard to remember show and tell for September 24th.

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