Thursday, May 27, 2010

Small Successes-May 27th

Celebrating the little things in life that add up.

1. Spring soccer is officially over!  Before we get too excited, I have to toss out there that Madeline and her team are playing in a soccer tournament in two and a half weeks, so she's still practicing, but we are soccer free (unless we count the parents vs. players game and party that we're having the first weekend in June).  Ok, maybe soccer isn't over. Funny how I started this small success very excited about the prospect of being done and no I no longer feel that way.  Oh well, I'm still counting it as a success.  Ellie is officially done soccer until September. Yay!

2. I weeded a nice chunk of my strawberry garden.  Did you know that old oak leaves and old strawberry leaves can help turn your strawberries moldy?  Neither did I.  We have a huge surplus of strawberries and that's with me only counting the half of them that haven't rotted.  I'm doing what I can to eliminate what I believe is causing the problem.

3. I planted one of my tomato plants in a topsy turvy. (Yes, I actually allowed myself to be talked into an as seen on TV item.)  After dealing with tomato blight last year I need to think outside the tomato garden for my planting needs.  I'm contemplating putting my other two tomato plants in pots.  Who knew that changing the location of the tomato plants could cause such turmoil?

Bonus: I finally found two of my cousins [who live far away] on Facebook.  I know it doesn't seem like such a huge deal, but when you're talking about people with a very common last name (think Smith, only more generic) and a pretty common first name it can be rather difficult to find them.  Facebook needs to employ a better search function.

1 comment:

  1. Good to know about the strawberries.... very very good to know!

    Congrats on a great week!
