Thursday, April 15, 2010

Small Successes-April 15th

Celebrating the little things in life that add up.

1. I planted seeds in my little germination station on Saturday night.  The basil and broccoli seeds have already sprouted.  Still waiting on the tomatoes and peppers.  If all goes well, I can be totally self sufficient in the plant department this year.  I'm hoping to not have to buy any vegetable plants at Home Depot or Lowes.   I find I care more about the plants when I've raised them from seeds, and yes, I even talk to the vegetable plants.  They produce more when you have nice things to say to them.

2. I'm on top of the laundry.  This week has been a challenge with the laundry but I've pulled through and reduced the pile to nothing.

3. The pile of books and other items that I needed to review has been reduced to two.  I spent a couple days this week writing up reviews for several Amazon Vine items that I that had been sitting on for way too long.

Bonus: I boxed and bagged up all of the paper recyclables after a moment of inspiration earlier this week.  I also spent some time yesterday cleaning Bryan's home office.  That room is a flaming disaster, but I'm determined to chip away at the clutter and force Bryan to work in a clean and organized environment.


  1. Great successes! Have a great week!

  2. Yay on self-sufficiency in the plant department :). My peppers ("Germination 10-14 days") took three whole weeks to sprout, but they finally did. And why have seedlings if you can't talk to them? :D.

    Great week!

  3. LOL if you can get Brian to work in an organized environment that will stay that way; still trying that on hubby and we'll be married 30 years in October :)

    great small successes this week!

