Thursday, October 29, 2009

Tiber River Review: Strength of a Woman

I wasn't quite sure exactly what I should expect from this book when I selected it to review for the Tiber River Review Program. I suspected that this book might wind up being a commentary on selected heroines of the Bible with some in depth analysis. I have read other books in the past that set out to retell well known Bible stories and have found them not only poorly interperted and lacking, but also filled with commentary that is often inaccuarte. Bearing that in mind, I was a little wary when I picked up this book. The subject matter interested me so I figured I'd give it a whirl and hope the time I invested in reading it would be well spent. I'm happy to report that I found this book to be well worth the time I spent reading it. In fact, I wish there was more to it as I found myself wanting to read more when I came to the final page.

Amy LeBlanc's Strength of a Woman is an engaging retelling of the stories of Biblical heroines. The writing style reminded me of a gripping historical fiction novel. Each of the eleven stories retold in this book are well done. Four of the stories are from the Old Testament, and the remaining seven are from the New Testament. Each of the stories will captivate you and in many cases make you want to read even more. I was so enthralled with several of the stories that I had a hard time putting down the book. I would certainly recommend this book if you are looking for an enjoyable read.
I wrote this review of Strength of a Woman for the Tiber River Blogger Review program, created by Aquinas and More Catholic Goods. For more information and to purchase, please visit Aquinas and More Catholic Goods. A free copy of this book was given to me in exchange for my honest review of this book.
Tiber River is the first Catholic book review site, started in 2000 to help you make informed decisions about Catholic book purchases.


  1. okay, something is wrong with the math here; 4 from the Old Testament and the remaining 4 from the New Testament but there are 11 stories?

    but it does sound interesting; will have to look for it


  2. There were seven New Testament stories. I'm not sure how I missed that typo. Thanks for catching it for me, Betty.
