Tuesday, May 26, 2009

I'm jumping in!

I've been feeling way too ME centered for several years.  Sure I devote my entire existence to caring for my family, but that's MY family.  So I regard that as essentially being for me.  I don't work for compensation (just hugs, kisses and the occasional thank you) and I honestly don't see myself working for money anytime in the near future.  When I do have both girls in school full time and am home alone (presuming, of course, that I don't have another child to care for by the time Ellie is in full day school) I just can't see myself going out and getting a job.  I can totally see myself volunteering and I fully intend to do so.  Over the past 4 years volunteering hasn't been the easiest thing for me to do.  It's hard to commit to something when you aren't sure how the small child who is being toted along will behave.  Now that Ellie is almost four, life has become a lot easier in that area.  I can reason with her and she has the self control to sit quietly for a decent stretch of time.  

I made the decision that I'm going to join the board at Ellie's school.  Being on the board would require me to go to a meeting a month that lasts about an hour.  I would be helping out with various fund raisers and essentially doing the types of things I do when I organize parties for Madeline's class.  It takes a bit of work, but it's nothing overwhelming.  I plan to have Ellie at this school for another two years.  I let Cora, the director of the school, know that I'm interested in joining the board.  Last Tuesday a letter went home asking for parents to please consider joining the board since most of the parents on the board would be gone after this school year.  It was an open invitation to come to the meeting next Tuesday.  Apparently, next Tuesday was last Tuesday.  Really?   I'm either the loopiest mom ever or the letter had bad timing.  I suppose I should have looked at the events calendar on the wall at the school, but I think a date on the letter might have been helpful, too.  So I'm pretty sure Cora probably thinks I'm a total ditz.  I think I might live in a time warp or something.  This stuff seems to happen to me all the time now.  So next month (June 16th to be precise) I'm going to go to the board meeting.  I was set to go there tonight.  I'm very glad that I said something to Cora this morning or I would have showed up at a locked school tonight.

The registration forms for the kids Religious Ed classes came in the mail today.  So I got them all filled out and brought them over to the parish offices.  So the deacon goes and tells me that the letter that says to have the forms in "by June 1st" to ensure your first choice of class session, means that they're not accepting the registration until June 1st.  Hmm...the English language has either changed and left me behind, or these places don't know how to use it. First the preschool and now the church.  Maybe I just don't know how to read anymore.  It's a mystery.  Anyway, he wound up taking the registration after I mentioned that I wanted to teach a class while Madeline was in her class (don't want to teach Madeline since I envision that as a chaotic scene).  I explained that my trusty friend Ellie would be tagging along with me, but that I planned to bring a laptop equipped with dvds and headphones to keep her occupied.  He's going to get back to me, but we'll see what happens.  I'll send a follow-up email in a few days. Ellie was just happy to get a lollipop out of the visit.

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